Japan's former prime minister Shinzo Abe is said to be in grave condition after he was shot at a political campaign event.



China will set up a state infrastructure investment fund worth 500 billion yuan ($74.69 billion) to spur infrastructure spending and revive a flagging economy, two people with knowledge of the matter told Reuters on Tuesday.


India's consumer protection authority has banned hotels and restaurants from levying a service charge on bills.


China's "one country two systems" model of ruling Hong Kong has worked in protecting the city and must continue long term, says Xi Jinping.



The Taliban in Afghanistan have appealed for international support, as the country deals with the aftermath of a devastating 6.1 magnitude earthquake.



A powerful earthquake has killed at least 920 people and left hundreds more injured in Afghanistan, Taliban officials say.



Russia has become China's biggest supplier of oil as the country sold discounted crude to Beijing amid sanctions over the Ukraine war.



Chinese President Xi Jinping reaffirmed his country’s support for Moscow on issues of sovereignty and security in a phone call with Russian leader Vladimir Putin.

Xi told Putin on Wednesday “all parties should responsibly push for a proper settlement of the Ukraine crisis,” according to the official Xinhua news agency.


A powerful earthquake hit north-east Japan on Wednesday night, temporarily cutting power to two million homes.


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